Installation ================ * Install memcached, MySQL, a WSGI application server, and a static files web server (in some cases, e.g. Apache, the latter two could be the same server). * Install the compiled dependencies in ``requirements/compiled.txt`` via system package manager or via:: pip install -r requirements/compiled.txt * Configure the WSGI application server to serve the application object in ``datazilla/`` at the root of the domain, and configure the static files server to serve the files in ``datazilla/webapp/static`` at the URL path ``/static/``. See the sample config files for Apache and nginx in ``datazilla/webapp/sample_configs/``. * Copy ``datazilla/settings/`` to ``datazilla/settings/`` and edit the settings it contains to the correct values for your installation. ``DATAZILLA_MEMCACHED`` should be a string like ```` - the host and port at which memcached is running. * Run ``python syncdb`` to create the core datasource table. * Create a paired objectstore and performance test database with the create_perftest_project command:: create_perftest_project [options] Create all databases for a new project. Options: -p PROJECT, --project=PROJECT Set the project to run on: talos, b2g, schema, test etc.... --perftest_host=PERFTEST_HOST The host name for the perftest database --objectstore_host=OBJECTSTORE_HOST The host name for the objectstore database --perftest_type=PERFTEST_TYPE The database type (e.g. 'MySQL-InnoDB') for the perftest database --objectstore_type=OBJECTSTORE_TYPE The database type (e.g. 'MySQL-Aria') for the objectstore database --cron_batch=CRON_BATCH Add this new project to this cron_batch. This value indicates the size of the project and may determine how much time between intervals should be set. Larger projects will likely have a longer time interval between execution as cron jobs.Choices are: small, medium, large. Default to None. * Install crontab.txt